Part Two - The " 6 Priority Goal" Exercise - let this exercise help you find your dream goals

Part Two - The " 6 Priority Goal" Exercise - let this exercise help you find your dream goals

                                                  Table of Contents 
Part One - Weave Your Spells of Intention with a visualization Board
Part Two - The " 6 Priority Goal" Exercise - let this exercise help you find your dream goals
Part Three - 30 Top Goals to consider for your Witchy Visualization Board
Part Four - Coming Soon 


Part Two: Discover Your Dream Goals Through This Powerful Technique

Are you ready to uncover your most authentic, heart-centred goals and dreams? Look no further than the transformative "6 Priority Goal" exercise.

The Power of Prioritization

To find out what your real core goals and dreams are for manifestation and visualization, this simple yet profound exercise is a game-changer. Here's how it works

  1.  Start by writing down your top 10 goals for the next month. Don't hold back - let your dreams flow freely onto the page.


  2.  Now, beginning with your #1 goal, ask yourself: "If I had to give up this goal, would I want goal #2 more or less?"


  3.  Repeat this process, comparing each goal to the one before it. Would you choose this goal over the previous one? If so, keep moving down the list. If not, cross out the current goal and move to the next one.


  4.  Continue this elimination process until you've narrowed it down to your top 6 priority goals.



The Magic of the 6

By the end of this exercise, you'll have a clear, focused list of the 6 goals that truly resonate with the depths of your heart and soul. These are the dreams that you're the most passionate about manifesting.

Why is this so powerful? When your goals come directly from your authentic needs and desires - rather than external pressures or expectations - you'll feel a stronger energetic attachment to them. This makes it infinitely easier to stay motivated, take inspired action, and ultimately, achieve these aspirations.

Craft Your Visualization Board with Clarity and Intention

With your 6 priority goals in hand, you're now empowered to create a visualization board that aligns seamlessly with your true north stars. Every image, affirmation, and symbol you include will be imbued with profound meaning and energy.

No more feeling scattered or unsure about your dreams. This exercise has helped you get crystal clear, so you can focus your manifestation efforts with laser-sharp precision.

Are you ready to unlock your deepest desires and set them into motion? Grab a pen and paper, and let the 6 Priority Goal exercise be your guide. The future you've been longing for is just waiting to be claimed.

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